Bebris Tsikhe Fortress

Immersed in history, the Bebris Tsikhe Fortress, also known as Bebristsikhe, stands majestically in the city of Mtskheta within the Mtskheta-Mtianeti region. It is an imposing representation of Georgia's medieval fortifications, its walls bearing silent testimony to countless events that have shaped Georgia's past.

The fortress, perched in a tactically advantageous location, once served as a sentinel, safeguarding the city from the north. Archaeological findings suggest the presence of masonry and mud walls dating back to the 4th-6th centuries on which this medieval fortress was later built. Bebris Tsikhe is known to have been a functioning fortress until the 18th century, pointing towards its long-standing role in the region's defense.

The architecture of Bebris Tsikhe Fortress seamlessly blends into its surroundings, designed to mimic a natural extension of the mountain. With walls exceeding 2 meters (about 6.5 feet) in thickness, the fortress comprises two parts: the lower courtyard and the triangular citadel. Each corner of the citadel holds a tower, with the largest one located in the south-western corner. This most prominent tower, boasting three surviving floors, is a rounded rectangle in shape and has arrow holes for defensive purposes. These holes were designed wide on the inside and narrow on the outside for better efficacy.

On the eastern side of the lower courtyard, fragments of a quadrangular tower can be seen. This tower, now partially preserved, was believed to have been connected to the citadel by a fence. This complex, designed with an intricate attention to detail, speaks volumes about the architectural prowess of the time.

The fortress is cloaked in legends, one of which tells a story about a cruel prince named Mamuka and his kind sister, Makrine. After a divine intervention resulting from his cruel actions, Mamuka was said to have changed his ways, leading a life of service. In memory of this transformation and the siblings' commitment to faith, the fortress is named Bebris Tsikhe, meaning the "Fortress of an old man".

In 2010, the fortress experienced significant damage due to a landslide caused by heavy downpours. Efforts have since been made to restore this historical monument, which was declared a National Cultural Monument of Georgia in 2004.

Visiting the Bebris Tsikhe Fortress is akin to stepping back in time, getting a glimpse into the country's rich history, all while appreciating the astounding views it offers of Mtskheta. This makes the fortress an irresistible destination for history enthusiasts and casual visitors alike.

Nearest to Bebris Tsikhe Fortress

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